NICE58 - Storytelling, public speaking, and writing with Nick Westergaard
Nick Westergaard is an author, educator, and speaker. He’s spent his career building standout brands at organizations of all sizes—from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies to President Obama’s Jobs Council.
The Nice Podcast is brought to you by We teach leaders to improve employee retention, communication, and culture with the Nice Method™.
What we talked about...
Nick Westergaard’s StoryLab program.
Telling your story is foundational. The ability to craft, hone, and shape your story with others.
Stories that come from saying yes, saying no, and making mistakes.
Story starter ideas.
Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling by Matthew Dicks.
Generate stories by thinking of a theme.
First _____
Last _____
Best _____
Worst _____
From blogging to books.
Strategies for writing a book.
Advice for TEDx speakers.
Staging information.
Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds by Carmine Gallo.
Summaries, scenes, and reflections.
Personal vs. professional brand storytelling tips.
Brand coaching.
The value of mentors.
Read The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown.
Check out Nick’s books.
Contact Nick at
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🎸 Theme song is “Little Jane May,” and the end song is “Funny Feeling” by